The Concepts Of Racism And Capital Punishment In The Movie Green Mile

The Green Mile was an suspense film that Frank Darabont directed. It was adapted to the Stephen King novel. This film is still extremely popular today. It’s often used by students researching the topic to create lists of possible racism research topics. The title meant that the death row’s green floor was the final mile to execution. Paul Edgecomb and other prison officers were witnesses to death. They were then apathetic until John Coffey, a tall, kind and tender black named John Coffey arrived. John Coffey received a miraculous gift from God that cured Paul of his urinary infection. He also saved the lives of others. Coffey made Paul and his friend feel the joy and fulfillment of life. However, Coffey was always disappointed by the hostility and hatred in people. Coffey eventually chose the green way.

John was kind and helpful with a sweet, virtuous spirit. But he was afflicted by the human condition and decided to die in order to get rid of his pain. John’s mind unexpectedly displayed a scene showing Bill killing two girls and their love. Bill instructed two girls: “If I make any noises, my sister will die instead of you.” The girls were close friends and so they did not make any noises. John was innocent, but others blamed him for this matter. John was able feel the pain of Del’s abnormal electrocution, which Percy had made intentionally. John felt the same pain as Del when he was freed from prison. John believes that Percy’s operational error on purpose caused Del to suffer an abnormal electrocution. Percy used to do cruel things to prisoners. Del kept a mouse, and John once stepped on it. The mouse was a dear friend. John was so disappointed that he wanted Percy to be cured and punished. John was an important character in the story, as he was a god symbol. He was a symbol of god, helping people and keeping everything in order. However, he often saw the worst parts of human beings. He decided to give in and return to heaven. This movie is about racism. The 1930s were a time when racism was very prevalent. Bill was the only exception to this rule. All of the guards were also white. Percy treated John, who was being escorted to prison for the first-time, as an animal. These scenes made people believe that black people were more superior than white people. John was not given an equal chance due to racism. Paul started to doubt John’s guilt and he went to the home of a lawyer to find out. The lawyer replied that John was like a Negro in many ways. John needed a lawyer to defend him. John looked down on him. John was innocent, and he believed he was guilty. He didn’t attempt to defend John but gave up. Wild Bill, John’s prisoner, was known to call John a nigger. One time, he stated to guards that “niggers should get their own electric chairs” and that John was the one who murdered and raped two little girls. Bill was unscrupulous and heartless, yet he really believed he was high up. Once, I saw a video of a white person getting on a bus. Although he claimed he forgot his money, the driver allowed him to get on. However, when they changed to black men, the driver did not allow them to change. Another time, a young man made racial remarks about China. I watched as he left with anger. These are just a few examples of racism that can be found today and could affect any race. I found racism disgusting. We are all human beings, and we should all be respected for our fundamental human rights. Each race has its strengths, so there’s no reason to make others feel inferior. Human beings must get along peacefully.

Capital punishment is something I strongly disagree with. According to my research in Canada, capital punishment was abolished in 1976. Instead, the maximum sentence was increased to 25 years with no parole. Reason being that some people were wrongfully convicted. This is when someone is declared innocent of a conviction and sentenced to time in prison. Donald Marshall, for instance, was convicted of stabbing Sandy Seale, Sydney, in 1971. After 11 years imprisonment, Marshall was acquitted of the crime in 1983. John is shown as innocent and nice, but he was still punished. It is cruel and unfair for their families. This is in line with [article 11] which states that anyone charged with a penal offense has the right of presumed innocence until proven guilty. No tangible evidence can be used to sentence someone to the death penalty. There are many countries and regions that still use cruel and traditional methods to execute capital punishment. We all saw the pain they endured before they could go to heaven.

This could be connected to [article 5], that states no one shall suffer torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading punishment or treatment. Even though injection is less painful, prisoners may still regret their actions and turn out to be kind and compassionate. Del was once a murderer but now he’s outgoing and kind. Capital punishment should be used only to eradicate the worst offenders. It shouldn’t serve as a form or revenge. Every person is entitled to life, liberty, security and privacy according to [article 3]. It also adds cost to taxpayers’ and government money. Why must we pay someone’s debt? These funds can be used to build country. Capital punishment has only one advantage: capital punishment is cruel, inhumane and wasteful.


  • jacksonreynolds

    Jackson Reynolds is an educational blogger who specializes in writing about topics such as education, parenting, and technology. He has been writing for over 10 years, and has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers. Jackson lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife and two children.