Why Are Schools Across The UK Reopening On Different Dates?

What is the timeline for schools to reopen in the UK?

According to current plans, primary schools in Scotland will be the first to reopen after half-term on 22 February. However, only the youngest year groups and those taking qualifications will return initially. In England, schools are set to remain closed until at least 8 March before a phased reopening begins.

Why can Scotland reopen schools while England cannot?

In the UK, education policy is managed by national governments, so the Westminster administration has no control over schools outside of England. Moreover, Covid-19 infection rates in England are twice as high as in Scotland, resulting in greater community transmission. Recent data from the Office for National Statistics indicates that one in 55 people in England were infected, with numbers rising to one in 35 in London. In contrast, Scotland reported an infection rate of one in 110 individuals.

What about Wales and Northern Ireland?

As per the present proposal, Wales may emulate Scotland’s plan for school reopenings from 22 February, but only if COVID-19 infection rates continue to decrease. The latest data available shows that one in 70 individuals in Wales were infected as of the previous week. In Northern Ireland, infection rates are higher, with one in every 50 people estimated to have COVID-19 based on ONS data. Schools are scheduled to reopen no earlier than 8 March in Northern Ireland, similar to the situation in England.

Why did the government in England select 8 March as the reopening date?

The UK government’s decision to select 8 March as the date for school re-openings was based on the premise that the first four priority groups will have acquired immunity after receiving their first vaccination at least three weeks earlier. Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated at a recent press conference that data on the impact of vaccinations will not be available until 15 February, and he wants to proceed cautiously.

Is 8 March set in stone?

No, there are those who argue that a further delay may be necessary, citing the continued high levels of community transmission as the reason. Calum Semple, a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), is among those who believe that only the children of critical workers and those in care or requiring support should be attending school in person, as has been the norm since the onset of the pandemic. Others have expressed concern that reopening schools could lead to an increase in the spread of the South African Covid-19 variant and have raised doubts about reopening.


  • jacksonreynolds

    Jackson Reynolds is an educational blogger who specializes in writing about topics such as education, parenting, and technology. He has been writing for over 10 years, and has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers. Jackson lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife and two children.